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6 February 2024
mental health

The beginning of 2024 for Eigenmethod marks a time of new beginnings and significant decisions. We understand that in today's world, especially amidst instability where the war in Ukraine poses serious challenges, employees' mental health is of paramount importance.

Recognizing this, our company continues to commit to providing employees with the necessary tools and knowledge to support their mental well-being. Last week, we conducted a webinar session, which was part of our team's care in the new year.

The webinar on "Planning in Uncertainty" was conducted by a highly qualified PCC coach and business trainer, who shared her experience and effective planning methods in an unstable environment. In times of uncertainty, planning becomes a key element of success. It not only helps maintain stability but also creates psychological comfort and confidence in tomorrow.

Participants of the webinar had the opportunity to actively communicate, share their thoughts, and ask questions. They worked on their own goals, received valuable advice on rational personal and professional time management. Each participant of the webinar received homework to continue working on their own development and achieving their goals. Through this approach, we view mental health as an opportunity for personal growth and improvement.

In this challenging period, where each day brings new challenges, we believe that monitoring the mental health of our employees is an extremely important investment in the future overall success and emotional well-being of the entire team. Our team is confident that caring for mental health is not only a sign of responsibility but also the foundation for Eigenmethod sustainable and successful future.

